Image of Daniel Barros

Daniel Barros

Software Developer

Hi, I'm Daniel Barros. I’m a Front-end Web Developer based out of Perth, Australia. I bring to life fun, innovative, accessible, and fast websites. I try to leave every bit of code I touch more readable, modular, performant, accessible and maintainable than found it.

When I'm not bringing design ideas into life, I like to read about technology or watch science documentaries or sports.

If you'd like to connect on LinkedIn, here's my profile.

Sample Projects

Have a look below at some of my highlighted projects!

Screenshots of Fortune Teller Project

Django Fortune-Teller

Small Django website.

This simple website illustrates the use of Python and Django to create a website displaying dynamic content.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Python 3, Django, Git, Github, cloud deployment.

Screenshots of Dashboard Project

DBarrosApp Dashboard

Responsive front-end for a user self-service area.

To implement a reponsive, mobile-first design, I used a Sass architecture and the BEM naming convention. I also used SVG sprite sheets to add icons to the interactivity. I also implemented many JavaScript features, such as alert pop-ups, form validation, autocomplete. I used the chartJs library to render the data visualisation and implemented data persistence with Local Storage. Version control with Git and Github.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Responsive design, SVGs, Sass, BEM, JavaScript, chart.js, localStorage (simuating a database link), Git, Github.

Screenshots of Employee Directory Project

DBarros Startup Employee Directory

Responsive front-end for an intranet employee directory.

To implement this reponsive design, I used a desktop-first approach, as most users will be on a desktop. I implemented the layout with CSS Grids and the modal icons are from the Font Awesome library. I also implemented advanced front-end JavaScript features, such as modals and a filter searching both First and Last employee names. The data is loaded asynchronously using the fetch API, from a remote publix API (

Technologies: HTML, CSS, CSS Grids, Responsive design, BEM, JavaScript, Async JS, fetch API, Public APIs, Git, Github.

Screenshots of Photo Gallery Project

Photo Gallery

Responsive front-end for a Photography/Design gallery.

To implement this reponsive design, I used a mobile-first approach. I implemented the layout with CSS Grids. I also included a filter for the images that looks up both the photo description or its captions. I used a jQuery plugin for the picture lightbox.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, CSS Grids, Responsive design, JavaScript, jQuery, Google Fonts, Git, Github.

Screenshots of Wheel of Success Game

Wheel of Success Game

Implementation of a Game Show front-end.

To implement this game design and functionality, I used vanilla JS and CSS. I implemented DOM manipulation techniques and well organised and elegant functional logic to make an interactive and fun user experience (UX). Version control with Git and Github. Deployed to Github Pages. Give it a try! The quotes are worth heaps.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, DOM manipulation, Git, Github, Github Pages.


General Information

I am often looking for new web work, as well as speaking and writing gigs. If you'd like to get in touch to check on availability or have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!

Please only use phone contacts for urgent queries. Otherwise, LinkedIn and email are the best ways to reach me.